PCBs are mainly classified as rigid PCB, flexible PCB, and rigid flexible PCB as per their characteristics. There are multiple subcategories per layer and material used to make it. We will discuss details about main categories and subcategories in later blog posts. In this blog, we are classifying all categories according to hierarchy to get a clear understanding.
⍟ Rigid PCB:
﹂Woven glass or cotton paper (FR-4/Roger PCB)
↳ Double side PCB
↳ Multilayer PCB
↳ Multilayer PCB
﹂Metal Core PCB
↳ Double side PCB
↳ Multilayer PCB
↳ Multilayer PCB
﹂ Flexible substrate (PI - polyimide)
﹂Woven glass or cotton paper (FR-4/Roger PCB) + Flexible substrate (PI - polyimide)
↳ No copper PCB
↳ Single layer PCB
↳ Double side PCB
↳ Multilayer PCB
↳ Multilayer PCB